Joy Transfer

                     News  2023              






    Joy Transfer
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  2023 / 2024




Jahresrückblick 2023 und Ausschau auf 2024



Das Jahr 2023 hat für uns mit Vorfreude auf unseren X-Wurf begonnen. Silvester 2022/2023 ist Roxy von Melwyn gedeckt worden und am Neujahrstag 2023 haben wir uns in guter Hoffnung aus dem schönen Schwabenländle wieder auf den Heimweg in unser Weserbergland gemacht.

Am 2. März 2023 hat Roxy 7 hübsche und gesunde Welpen auf die Welt gebracht. So sind wir im Frühjahr 2023 mit der Aufzucht unseres X-Wurfes auf schöne Art gut beschäftigt gewesen. Als Vater des Wurfes haben wir noch einmal unseren wunderbaren Melwyn (Joy Transfer Melwyn in Blue) ausgewählt, es soll der letzte Wurf von ihm sein. Mehr über unseren X-Wurf ist auf unserer X-Welpenseite zu finden.



Aus diesem Wurf haben wir unsere süße tricolour Hündin Xambalaya behalten und werden in 2024 sicherlich viel mehr von unserer Samba, wie ihr Rufname geworden ist, hören lassen.

(Melwyn / Roxy)

(Joy Transfer Melwyn in Blue / Ch. Joy Transfer Roxanne)



Wir haben für 2024 einige Ausstellungen mit  Samba geplant und in Vorbereitung auf ihre Körung stehenspäter noch die Untersuchungen auf HD, ED und alle erbl. Augenkrankheiten auf dem Programm für 2024, wenn sie das entsprechende Alter erreicht hat. Altersunabhängig sind die Gentests, die schon erledigt und zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit ausgefallen sind. Samba ist frei (N/N) von allen im Rassepaket (Laboklin) enthaltenen genetischen Krankheiten sowie frei von Merle, Pink und Fluff. Im Einzelnen führen wir das auf Sambas eigener Seite auf, die demnächst auf unserer HP erscheint.




In der schönen warmen Jahreszeit haben wir in 2023 ein paar wenige Ausstellungen mit unseren Hunden besucht. Wir hatten viel Freude daran, dort mit einigen unserer liebgewonnenen Corgibesitzer und Züchterkollegen viele schöne gemeinsame Stunden zu verbringen. Auch sind wir stolz darauf, dass wir mit den wenigen Shows die notwendigen Anwartschaften für mehrere Deutsche Championtitel vervollständigen konnten.


Roxy, die bereits vorher Dt. Ch. CfBrH war, hat mit einem schönen V 1 in der Championklasse auf der German Winner 2023 auch zusätzllich den Titel Dt. Champion VDH bestätigt erhalten.

Viola konnte erst ab Juli 2023 mit dem Sammeln ihrer letzten notwendigen CAC’s für die Titel beginnen, weil vorher leider das lästige „Wartejahr“ seit ihres ersten CAC’s noch nicht vergangen war. Wir freuen uns, dass sie noch leicht ihren Titel Dt. Champion (VDH) vervollständigen konnte, bevor wir sie wegen ihres geplanten ersten Wurfes nicht mehr ausstellen wollten.

Wir finden es schön, auch in der Veteranenklasse zeigen zu können, wie fit und hübsch die Cardigan Corgis auch im Alter bleiben. Unsere beiden „alten Damen“ Inis und Myfanwy haben jede zu ihren früheren Titeln Dt. Ch. CfBrH und Dt. Ch. VDH nun auf Titel Dt. Veteranen Champion (CfBrH) hinzugefügt.

Wir finden es schön, auch in der Veteranenklasse zeigen zu können, wie fit und hübsch die Cardigan Corgis auch im Alter bleiben. Unsere beiden „alten Damen“ Inis und Myfanwy haben jede zu ihren früheren Titeln Dt. Ch. CfBrH und Dt. Ch. VDH nun auf Titel Dt. Veteranen Champion (CfBrH) hinzugefügt.

Unsere kleine Samba hat erste Ausstellungsluft in der Babyklasse geschnuppert, sie hatte Spaß daran und ist mit einem Vielversprechend 1 bewertet worden.






Auch Teggy hat Anfang 2023 ihre Championtitel vervollständigt. Wir sind stolz, dass sie auf nur wenigen Ausstellungen all ihre Titel erlangt hat, nämlich:
Dt. Jgd. Ch. CfBrH, Dt. Jgd. Ch. VDH,
Dt. Champion CfBrH und Dt. Champion VDH



2023 / 2024



So wie das Jahr 2023 mit unserem X-Wurf begonnen hat, so haben wir das Jahr auch mit der Aufzucht unserer Welpen aus dem Y-Wurf beendet. Im Herbst 2023 war die Zeit gekommen, in der wir endlich den ersten Wurf mit Viola in die Tat umgesetzt haben. Am 04.10.2023 hat Viola sechs wunderschöne Welpen bekommen, die uns das restliche Jahr 2023 sehr viel Freude gemacht haben. Mehr über unseren Y-Wurf von Raven (Cardiganium Hokusai the Great Wave) und Viola (Ch. Joy Transfer Viola Violet) ist auf unserer Y-Welpenseite zu finden. Ich habe jetzt noch einige Fotos hinzugefügt.





















Merry Christmas
and a 
Happy New Year
with all good Wishes for 2024

We heartily wish that it brings you
Health, Luck and Contendness


 29 October  2023


     May I introduce ...

In the meantime Viola's Puppies from our Y - Litter are looking with open eyes into the World . There was even half an hour of sunshine, so I could take new Photos to show how beautiful the Puppies are developing. The Puppies have now also received their full names,  they are already registered in the breeding book of (ZBrH of CfBrH/VDH/FCI . It is a great pleasure for me to be able to introduce the little ones individually today.






- Yanto -
Joy Transfer Yanto Autumn Sky
 ♂ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2229) 






- Ydwyn -
Joy Transfer Ydwyn Autumn Sun
 ♂ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2230) 






- Yestin -
Joy Transfer Yestin Autumn Cloud
 ♂ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2231) 






- Ynyr -
Joy Transfer Ynyr Autumn Knight
 ♂ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2232) 






- Yennah -
Joy Transfer Yennah Yelloday
 ♀ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2233) 






- Ylva -
Joy Transfer Ylva Ynghariad
 ♀ - (VDH/ZBrH WCC 2234) 






 17  October  2023




 Our Joy Transfer Y-Puppies have now their
own page on the Homepage :


There you also can see some new photos of
Raven, (Cardiganium Hokusai the Great Wave),
the father of the Puppies.


has also been updated.


- Cardiganium Hokusai the Great Wave -


- The parents -


- Ch. Joy Transfer Viola Violet -




 11  October  2023


The Puppies of Viola
are now 1 week old


Viola is an exemplary sweet Motherdog. The whole dog family is healthy and Viola has lots of milk for her Puppies, so we are not surprised  that they are growing well and have almost doubled their birth weight.







 04 October  2023



Our Y-Puppies are in the World


Viola is now a proud and good mother of 6 puppies. Our Y-Litter has been born on the 4th of October 2023. Viola is doing very well , she takes good care of her puppies and she has enough milk. Also the puppies are doing very well, all of them had above average birth weight, all are healthy and round and cvheerful and have a good appetite.

There are 4 males (1 bri.-p.-tricolour, 3 blue merle) , and two females (1 bri.-p.-tricolour, 1 blue merle).  All puppies have already gained a lot of weight in their first days of life.

We are really happy about everything and are confident that everything is going well and that the puppies are developing well.

The Y-Puppy page will follow soon. Until than, you can find more information about the parents of the Y-Litter on the puppy planning page.


Viola and her newborns
















     September  2023


We got good letters


  4 September  2023


Pregnant and Pretty


Pregnant dogs are always so pretty. I often think and specially Viola. In the meantime we have been to Ultrasonic and have seen for the first time her future Puppies. This is always touching. Now we are excited and looking forward to Viola's first Litter, which will be born at the beginning of October.




 3 September  2023


Xenon and Maui were successful in Denmark 


We congratulate Ben and Ellen in Denmark, the owners of Xenon and Maui with the Show results from both their male dogs in August/September.

Xenon  -  Joy Transfer Xenon Nightbird
has gained initial experience in the Baby Class and we are pleased, that he has already been judged there twice with Very Promising. Yesterday hehas just turned six month old and already had great success as the best youngest dog in Corgi Show in Varde/DK.

Maui  -  Joy Transfer Very Blue Voyager 
Is now at the age when he must already start in the Open Class, although he still needs time to fully develop. We are very happy, that he can still keep up with good competition and once with (Excellent 1 Place and Danish Champion Candidacy) and has been judged today with Excellent 3 .

Keep going like this Ellen and Ben. We are very proud of your four in Denmark.













 4 / 5  August  2023


Good News
- Mating Report -


Cardiganium Hokusai the Great Wave

Joy Transfer Viola Violet


Today I can again report good news. We had a loveable guest and I can now report that our Viola (Joy Transfer Viola Violet) has been mated by Raven (Cardiganium Hokusai the Great Wave). We thank Angelika Ludwig for her helpful visit with her handsome young male Raven and now we hope together for the birth of our  Y-Litter by Raven and Viola in the beginning of October 2023. I am looking forward to the Puppies !




 2 August  2023


 Farewell to Ima
6 January 2009 - 30 July 2023
- Obituary  -

Ima in June 2023, at the age of 14,5 years

- Ima -

Joy Transfer Imogen


Born in our hands a good 14 years ago and on Sunday 30 July 2023 unexpectedly died in our hands.

We are very sad, that we must say goodbye to our dear Ima forever. She was in her whole life a dear uncomplicated darling, friendly and loveable in dealing with every dog and all people . She has always brought us joy and almost never caused us sorrow or worry. In the way she has accompanied us her whole life from the first minute that is how she left. Up to her last day she loved her life according to her age, now her time with us and her family pack was up, she passed away suddenly and peacefully in our arms within a few hours.

The mind tells us that Ima made saying goodbye so easy for us, in a way that is often uninmaginable beforehand. We are  very thankful , to have had this unique lovely bitch in our family all her life. But saying goodbye hurts us so much, we miss Ima infinitely.




 29 July  2023


German Winner
Intern. CACIB-Show in Gelsenkirchen at 29 July 2023


At the German Winner, which was this year again outdoors at the Greyhound track in Gelsenkirchen, we showed Roxy in the Champion class and Viola in the Open Class. The Judge was Mr. Claus-Peter Fricke.

Joy Transfer Roxanne - Excellent 1, CAC und CACIB-Res.
Joy Transfer Viola Violet - Excellent 2 CAC-Res.

We are very happy with the results, because with that we can apply for Roxy in addition  to her CfBrH - Champion Title also the German Champion VDH. Viola has with CAC - Res, which is being ranked at the German Winner as normal entitlement for the VDHChampion, even all the requirements for both German Titles (German Champion VDH and German Champion CfBrH fulfilled, now that the waiting year for their Title has just come to an end.




 22 July 2023

(Sorry, it will follow soon in English)


CAC-Show in Hirschaid at 22 July 2023


Nun haben wir auch in Oberfranken einmal ein wunderschönes Wochenende auf der gut organisierten CAC Schau der Landesgruppe Bayern-Nord verbracht. Es ist sehr schön, wenn man sich mit lieben Menschen und ihren tollen Hunden wiedertrifft. Auch sehr gefreut habe ich mich über das Wiedersehen der 3 Welpen aus unserem X-Wurf, die neugierig Ausstellungsluft geschnuppert haben.

Last but not least freue ich mich über die schönen Bewertungen unserer Hunde:

- Joy Transfer Xander Shining Blue (Xander), Bes. Hanna Kober,
   vielversprechend 1 in der Babyklasse und Best Baby;
- Joy Transfer Xambalaya (Samba)
   vielversprechend 1 in der Babyklasse;
- Joy Transfer Viola Violet (Viola)
   Vorzüglich 2 und CAC-Res. in der Offenen Klasse;
- Ch. Joy Transfer Myfanwy (Fanwy)
   Vorzüglich 1 und Veteran-CAC und Best Veteran.
Damit kann ich nun den Veteranen-Champion Titel für Fanwy beantragen.
Richterin war Ursula Langer, D.
















 1 May 2023


- The beautiful Puppy time goes by so quickly -

Our X - Puppies from Melwyn and Roxy are now 8 weeks old. Yesterday our Vet visited us and the Puppies have now had their first Injection, their Chip and their EU-Passport.

Tomorrow we have a visit from the Breed Warden for Litter acceptance, then the Puppies will also get their valid Pedigrees from CfBrH (VDH/FCI) . All X-Puppies have found their perfect Forever-Family and all future Owners can hardly wait for the coming long weekend to pick up their Puppies.

So in May we will only have our chosen Puppy from the Litter in May plus our Adult Dogs and start slowly to find our way back into the usual course of the day.









Happy People get happy Corgis 



 17 March  2023


- May I introduce -

Our Joy Transfer X-Welpen now all have a name
and looking with open eyes into the world

(Joy Transfer Melwyn in Blue / Ch. Joy Transfer Roxanne)
Date of Birth 2nd March 2023




Joy Transfer Xander Shining Blue
 blue merle male





Joy Transfer Xenon Nightbird
 brindle-point-tricolour male





Joy Transfer Xeodore Touch of Blue
 blue merle male





Joy Transfer Xincinnati Blue Bengal
 blue merle male





Joy Transfer Xambalaya
 red-point-tricolour female





Joy Transfer Xandria Ebony Gleam
 brindle-point-tricolour female





Joy Transfer Xinderella Blue Princess
 blue merle female







 15 March  2023


Roxy with her Puppies in the first week of their life


The Puppies had a good first week. Their mother Roxy provided them round the clock with plenty of milk and even more love. You can watch them grow.

More photos available on the X-Litter page at this HP,
 which can now be found with a click of the button:

And here more information and data about the Litter and the parents:








 2 March  2023


Roxy's puppies are here,
the World is richer by 7 wonderful Cardigan Corgis.


We are very happy with our X-Litter from Melwyn and Roxy. On the 2nd of March Roxy's Puppies were born. There are 4 males and 3 females. All seven had an above average birthweight and are in between their satisfied sleep breaks very busy to increase their weight. That will be with Roxy's motherly care no problem. Watching the beautiful Family in the welpingbox just makes you happy.

As soon as I have more time for the  Computer, I will put the X-Litter page on my Homepage. For now here are some pictures of Roxy and her newborn Puppies to admire.





























 1 March  2023


 M a u i


Joy Transfer Very Blue Voyager

Maui is being loved and supported by his owner Ellen Rath in Denmark. We thank Ellen and her Family for their help. In the meantime Maui has developed into a lovely young male and he is registered in the DKK, where he has fulfilled the necessary requirements as a stud-dog. Maui has not only a great character but has also passed all health examinations with flying colours. These are the gratifying results:: 


Eyes: PRA N/N =  normal / free
(Progressive retinal atrophy, rcd3-PRA)
Gen-Test, Laboklin
  free of all heredity Eye-diseases (ECVO)
Hips: HD A VDH/FCI-Certificate (Dr.Koch)
Elbows: ED 0 (free) VDH/FCI-Certificate
Spine: DM N/N = normal / free
(Degenerative Myelopathy PCR, Exon 2)
(by parentage)


blue merle M/m
E-Locous: E/E (pink free)
L/L (Fluffy free

Gen Test,
(by parentage)




 18 February  2023

Another Champion Title for  Teggy


Ch. Joy Transfer Tianna Teglys


I am very proud of our sweet Teggy. With a minimum number of Shows, she has had enormous success. After reaching her Title "German Youth-Champion VDH", "German Youth Ch. CfBrH" and "German Champion VDH", she has  confirmed now  the Title of "German Champion CfBrH".



Dt. Champion (VDH+CfBrH) und Dt. Jgd.Ch. (VDH+CfBrH)
Joy Transfer Tianna Teglys




 06 February  2023


We are looking forward to Spring
- Corgis in the fog -


Roxy (already with belly) Inis, Teggy, Sally
and Viola, who nearly missed the connection.


Sally Teggy








 27 January  2023


Our X-Litter from Melwyn and Roxy

We look forward to the birth of our X-Puppies
at the beginning of March 2023.


In the meantime we have admired for the first time our Puppies on the Echo. Roxy is doing very well , her belly is already plump. We are looking forward enormously that Roxy will give birth to her Litter of Melwyn at the beginning of March.
read more ... ⇨  



 Joy Transfer Melwyn in Blue

 Ch. Joy Transfer Roxanne




 24 January  2023


CAC Schau in Verl-Kaunitz
on 22.01.2023

Teggy und Viola


We had successl and a really nice afternoon with lovely dog friends at the well-organized show of the Westphalian CfBrH-group (Judge Heike Bilsheim, DE).

In terms of age, Viola was in the intermediate class for the last time and won with Exc.1 and CAC. This is the 5th CAC for Viola, but the "waiting year" that is necessary in Germany for her champion title is not over yet.

Teggy was able to be exhibited in the champion class for the first time as a new Champion-VDH and she received the missing CAC-CfBrH, with which we can now also apply for the CfBrH-Champion title for Teggy.



Joy Transfer Tianna Teglys
- Teggy -
Excellent 1 in Champion class, CAC

Joy Transfer Viola Violet  
- Viola -
Excellent 1 in Intermediate class, CAC









 1  January  2023



Our litter planning with Melwyn und Roxy

If everything goes as we wish,
we look forward to the birth of our X - Puppies
at the beginning of March 2023.


Last Year we ended with a nice event and the New Year we can start with good News. Roxy has been mated by Melwyn. She took her time, but at least we could put our Plan into action before the turn of the Year, now we hope that everything continues to go according to plan and we can look forward to Puppies at the beginning of March.

read more ... ⇨  



 Joy Transfer Melwyn in Blue

 Ch. Joy Transfer Roxanne





Stay healthy and happy,
all the best wishes
from Joy Transfer








    Joy Transfer
         at Facebook:














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